Window Creation Basics

This is a step by step guide to creating the windows of your dreams.

Window Creation BasicsThis is a step by step guide to creating the windows of your dreams.
Let’s get started!
The conceptWindows in UO SA client consist of two components: the .xml file and the .lua file.
First step - skeleton codeFirst of all we need to create a .xml file that will contain the definition of our window, and a .lua file that will contain the basic code that the .xml file will be referencing to.
SampleWindow.xmlThe following code goes into SampleWindow.xml (which we left empty until now) and is an excellent skeleton for basically every type of window.
Make it runNow all we need to do is write

Let’s get started!

The conceptWindows in UO SA client consist of two components: the .xml file and the .lua file.
First step - skeleton codeFirst of all we need to create a .xml file that will contain the definition of our window, and a .lua file that will contain the basic code that the .xml file will be referencing to.
SampleWindow.xmlThe following code goes into SampleWindow.xml (which we left empty until now) and is an excellent skeleton for basically every type of window.
Make it runNow all we need to do is write

The concept

Windows in UO SA client consist of two components: the .xml file and the .lua file.  The XML part contains the default definition of the shape and size of the window.  It tells the game which button corresponds to which name and functionality from the code point of view.  The XML defines things like what type each component is (Button, Label, Image and so on), what each component is called (so that we can reference it later from elsewhere) and what should happen when the user interacts with that component (events such as OnMouseOver).  The LUA portion of the window defines the functions that are called from the XML.  Anything from what should happen when the window is first initialized when the game is loaded, to what should happen when a player clicks a button, is defined in LUA.

First step - skeleton code

First of all we need to create a .xml file that will contain the definition of our window, and a .lua file that will contain the basic code that the .xml file will be referencing to.  For that purpose we go into the interface/Default/Source folder and create two files: SampleWindow.lua and SampleWindow.xml Of course those files will not do much without having some code inside.  We need a basic skeleton for both the xml and the lua file.

Now let’s add these files to the list of windows that the game will attempt to initialize when it first starts.  This is done by editing Interface.lua and Interface.xml in interface/Default.  All we have to do in Interface.xml is add our new .xml file at the end of the long list of xml inclusions, like this.

<Include file="Source/SampleWindow.xml" />

and in Interface.lua at the end of the list of CreateWindow calls.

CreateWindow( "SampleWindow", false )

where the second parameter is false because we do not want the window to show up when the game starts.

Now, the very basic thing we can do at this point is display a simple blank window.  The next two sections will explain how to make that happen.


The following code goes into SampleWindow.xml (which we left empty until now) and is an excellent skeleton for basically every type of window.

<Interface xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../Interface.xsd">
<Script file="Source/SampleWindow.lua"/>

<Window name="SampleWindow" movable="true" layer="secondary">
<AbsPoint x="800" y="600"/>
<Anchor point="topleft" relativePoint="topleft" relativeTo="">
<AbsPoint x="16" y="400"/>
<EventHandler event="OnInitialize" function="SampleWindow.Initialize"/>
<EventHandler event="OnShutdown" function="SampleWindow.Shutdown"/>

<!-- General Window Settings -->
<FullResizeImage name="$parentBackground" inherits="HUDBackgroundBlack">
<Anchor point="topleft" relativePoint="topleft" relativeTo=""/>
<Anchor point="bottomright" relativePoint="bottomright" relativeTo=""/>

<!-- Title Bar -->
<Window name="$parentTitleBar" inherits="DefaultWindowTitleBar"/>
<Button name="$parentClose" inherits="DefaultWindowCloseButton">
<EventHandler event="OnLButtonUp" function="SampleWindow.Hide"/>
<!-- Bottom Window Bar -->
<HorizontalResizeImage name="$parentBottomFrame" inherits="DefaultWindowResizeBottomFrame">
<Anchor point="bottomleft" relativePoint="bottomleft" relativeTo="$parent">
<AbsPoint x="0" y="0"/>
<Anchor point="bottomright" relativePoint="bottomright" relativeTo="$parent">
<AbsPoint x="0" y="0"/>

  • First of all we want to surround everything in our code with the Interface tag to let UO SA client know that it’s a component of our UI.
  • In the Scripts tag we tell the XML which LUA files are going to be used for the function calls inside of it.
  • The first Windows tags simply states that we’re going to have a series of windows contained inside of that tag.
  • The first Window tag contains all the information about our sample window, including the name, the size (800x600 in our case) and the position with respect to the parent.  (NOTE: The maximum size of a window in UO SA client is 1600x1200, therefore 800x600 is pretty much half of the screen).  The events listed right below state that on initialization and shutdown of the window, the respective LUA functions should be immediately called.
  • Right under that comes a series of windows which in this case are the various sub-components of the SampleWindow, each one of them being a window.  The first one is the background image, set to inherit from HUDBackgroundBlack.  We can change that value to any of the other values available for background inheritance.  (NOTE: Inheritance allows us to use predefined templates for every single component of the UO SA Client UI.  You can define your own templates to inherit from in order to save on code duplication).  It is important to notice how exactly anchoring is applied in that case: the top-left corner of the background is set to coincide with the top-left corner of the parent (relativeTo=”” which means we’re anchoring to the parent by default) and the bottom-right corner is set to coincide with the bottom-right corner of the parent.  The parent in this case can be found by going one step up in the XML tree, and just happens to be our SampleWindow.  *Next comes the top bar, the close button and the bar at the bottom of the window.  Technically they’re not “necessary”, the window will still load fine without the, but they’re certainly very handy to have.


The following should go into SampleWindow.lua

SampleWindow = {}

function SampleWindow.Initialize()
WindowUtils.LoadSettings( "SampleWindow" )

function SampleWindow.Hide()
WindowSetShowing("SampleWindow", false )

function SampleWindow.Shutdown()
WindowUtils.SaveSettings( "SampleWindow" )

In this code we first create a LUA table with the same name as the window.  UO SA Client requires for such a table to be present in each of the windows.  Then we define three basic functions: Initialize, Hide and Shutdown.  *Initialize() is called the very first time the window is created (NOTE: not when the window is made visible, but much earlier!  ) *Hide() gets called when we press the close button in the top right corner of the window *Shutdown() is the function that gets called when the user interface effectively gets shut down (NOTE: not the same thing as a window being made invisible)

Make it run

Now all we need to do is write

/script WindowSetShowing("SampleWindow", true)

in the console and our window should be displayed immediately.  You should see something like:


  • It is always a good idea to have the DebugWindow open while working on components of the interface.  In order to do so, type /debugwindow in the console, or setup a macro to do that for you.  The “Command” action is in the “Other” category in the actions window.  Make sure the logging features are on (the logging button should say “Logs (On)” ).  If anything is wrong with the window of the interface in general after changes you made, the debugwindow will immediately let you know by stating where LUA ran into problems.
This is the top level xml-tag for each interface xml file.
This element allows you to include lua files directly.
Window is the base level window definition.