$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
 Add new lua or xml files
 Animation Types
 Button Flags
 Button States
 Button. ButtonState. DISABLED
 Button. ButtonState. DISABLED_PRESSED
 Button. ButtonState. HIGHLIGHTED
 Button. ButtonState. NORMAL
 Button. ButtonState. PRESSED
 Clicking on entries
This contains the template information for all of the button components.
The ActionButtonGroup specialized window element that optimizes the draw performance on the Warhammer style action buttons.
Associates a game action (a key-bindable action) to clicking on this window.
Associates a a key-bindable action to clicking a button in this group.
Sets the icon for the specified button index
Sets the number of rows & columns in this ActionButtonGroup.
Sets the text for the specified button index
Sets the time abbreviations for the ActionButtonGroup.
Sets the time format to use for the ActionButtonGroup.
Sets the text for the specified button index
Associates a game action (a key-bindable action) to clicking on this window.
The ActiveZone is the area outside of the scrollbar’s dimensions that you can still click and drag the scrollbar.
Interface.lua and Interface.xml are the entry point for the interface system.
This event is broadcast after all modules have had their OnInitialize handlers executed
This is a guide for how to use the Anchors xml tag and how to use the WindowClearAnchors() and WindowAddAnchor() functions to dynamically reposition windows on the fly.
The AnimatedImage automates flip-book style animations.
The names of AnimatedImage windows to be used as top-level overlays for the various button states.
Sets the speed (fps) at which to play the animation.
Sets the texture displayed on this image.
Starts playing this animation according to the parameters.
Stops an active animation.
The coordinate infromation for each frame in the animation.
This is the container tag for all source file assets.
The element contains information about the module author.
Auto-hides the scroll bar when the window the contents scroll child is less than one page.
Should the height of the button be automatically resized according to it’s text?
Should the width be shrunk automatically to fit it’s text?
The name of a HorizontalResizeIMage definition for the bar background image.
Name of the UI Texture to use for the background image layer.
To modify your interface, you simply need to modify existing lua/xml files or create your own lua/xml files in .\UserInterface folder.
Broadcasts an event with the UI system’s assigned event processor.
Broadcasts an event with the UI system’s assigned event processor.
The button element automates generic button functionality, such as swapping texture and font colors automatically according to mouse over and state.
Disabled button state.
Disabled pressed button state.
Normal highlighted button state.
Normal button state.
Pressed button state.
Pressed highlighted button state.
Returns if the button is currently behaving like a check button.
Returns if the button is currently set to disabled.
Sets if button should be highlighted.
Returns if button is currently pressed.
Returns if a button is currently set to ‘stay down’ when pressed.
Returns the text currently displayed on the button.
Returns the the current text dimensions.
Sets if the button should behave like a check button.
Sets if button is disabled.
Sets if button should be highlighted.
Sets if button should display it’s ‘pressed’ state.
Sets if button if the button should remained pressed when the user release the left mouse button.
Sets the text displayed on the button
Sets the text color used for a particular button state.
Sets the texture used for a particular button state.
The spacing to be used between each button
Starts a scriped flash animation with the highlighted image.
Stops an active flash animation.
This element defines the command for calling a single script function.
Name of the child Window that contains all of the windows to be parsed into pages.
Name of the child Window that contains all items you wish to scroll through.
The CircleImage provides a circular shaped display for a texture.
Sets the fill parameters for the circle image.
Rotates the image around it’s center.
Sets the texture displayed on this image.
Sets the textureScale value.
Sets the texture slice displayed on this image.
Here we will see how the system reacts to user clicks on the list.
The color for the label’s text.
The ColorPicker is a specialized UI element that allows you to add a number of colors to a single UI element.
Creates a color
Creates a color
Clear all the colors from a color picker.
Creates a color
Retrieves a color based on a point clicked on the color picker.
Retrieves a color based on a point clicked on the color picker.
Retrieves the color size of a given color picker.
Retrieves the color spacing of a given color picker.
Retrieves a color based on a point clicked on the color picker.
Retrieves the color size of a given color picker.
The width and height of each color.
The amount of space (in pixels) in between each color on the x and y.
The texture coordinates for the top left of the image on the texture.
The texture dimensions of the image to use for colors.
Allows you to specify how many colors you wish to have in a row.
The ComboBox provides a window-style combo box control.
Adds a new item to the menu list.
Clears out all items currently in the menu.
Lua-exposed function for the OpenMenu() wrapper, ExternalOpenMenu().
Returns if the ComboBox is currently disabled.
Returns the index of the current selected menu item
Returns the text of the current selected menu item
Returns if the ComboBox is currently open.
Sets if ComboBox is disabled.
Sets the current selected menu item
The CooldownDisplay provides a rectangular or circular shaped radial cooldown wipe for interface objects needing to display that information.
Alters the state of the cooldown animation.
The shape of the cooldown; is it circlular or rectangular?
Creates a NaturalDocs style output file that lists all registered functions and variables.
Creates a window from an XML definition.
Creates a window of the specified name from an XML definition.
Creates a window of the specified name from an XML definition.