Attribute Index
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Auto-hides the scroll bar when the window the contents scroll child is less than one page.
Should the height of the button be automatically resized according to it’s text?
Should the width be shrunk automatically to fit it’s text?
The name of a HorizontalResizeIMage definition for the bar background image.
Name of the UI Texture to use for the background image layer.
Name of the child Window that contains all of the windows to be parsed into pages.
Name of the child Window that contains all items you wish to scroll through.
Allows you to specify how many colors you wish to have in a row.
The shape of the cooldown; is it circlular or rectangular?
Name of the Button definition to use for the down button.
This flag allow you to specify the draw order for the button.
When drawing this button, should the highlight state be drawn over-top the background image?
The number of degrees arround the circle to fill.
Allows you to specify the blend mode used for this texture when rendering.
The name of the Font definition to use.
The name of a HorizontalResizeIMage definition for the foregroupd ‘filled’image.
The frames per second at which to play the animation
If true, does not render the middle middle section of the image.
Name of the HorizontalResizeImage definition to use for the background for the scroll area.
The gutter distance between each page.
Should the window element process mouse events? 
Name of the UI Texture to use for the highlight image layer.
The size of the input history (tracked automatically when the enter key is pressed) to track.
The amount to scale the icons.
A numerical id number, needs not be unique.
Ignore all formatting tags while processing this text.
Allows you to inherit attributes from another window element.
The type of input this EditBox should accept.
When set, the bar will interpolate between value changes.
The rate of interpolation if “interpolate” is set to true.
This defines the UI for the window.
The line height to be used with the scrollbar.
An override value for the font line spacing.
A reference to an AnimatedImage to display while the map is loading data.
Causes the slider bar to only move to values the ticks are located at.
The maximum number of characters allowed to be displayed.
The maximum number of entry lines to be displayed for each text log shown.
The maximum number of items that can be displayed on the screen at once.
The name of a Window definition to use for the drop-down menu.
The name of a Button definition to use for each menu item in the drop down list.
Allows you to display a horizontal mirror image of the texture.
Allows the window to be moved by clicking and dragging.
Name of the window.
The number of columns of buttons to be created.
The number of rows of buttons to be created.
The number of segments used to create the circumference circle.
The number of tickmarks to display along the bar.
The pixels from the texture will be directly mapped to the screen pixels.
Changes the internal functions to behave as if the slider bar was oriented horizontally or vertically.
Name of the UI Texture to use for the overlay highlight image layer.
Name of the UI Texture to use for the overlay image layer.
Name of a valid Label defintion to use for the page numbers.
The number of pages to display.
The edit box should work like a password box and display asterisk instead of the actual characters typed.
Pops the window to the top of the layer when clicked.
When set, the image will tile from right to left, rather than left to right.
The maximum number of items in the list to display.
The name of a Window to use as a template for each row in the display.
Size of the space to leave between rows.
The name of a VerticalScrollbar definition to be used when the combo box contains more items than can be displayed on the screen at once.
The scrolling mode to use.
Only applies to circular CooldownDisplays.
The name of a Button definition for the main drop-down button.
The shape of the map.
This flag allows a window to pass input to it’s child elements without handling it itself.
Name of the Slice in the Ui Texture to display.
The name of a Button definition for the slider button
The position on the circle at which to start building the circumference.
The name of a Button definition to use as the tab for the dockable window.
The order through which tab cycles focus.
The text alignment.
If the text min scale value is set to something other than 1.0, the Label Button automatically drop the point size of the font on a non-re sizable Button until the text fits within the Button’s text dimensions, up to the min font scale.
The amount time the text should remain on the screen after a new entry is added.
Name of the Ui Texture to display.
The scale of the texture to be used for the button artwork.
The scale of the texture to be used for the image artwork.
Name of the HorizontalResizeImage definition to use for the scaling scrollbar thumb.
The name of a DynamicImage definition that contains the texture coorddnates and size for a single tick mark
Name of the Button definition to use for the up button.
The number of rows visible on the display at a time.
Should this Button log warning messages if the text is cut off?
Should the text be word wrapped if the width of the text string.