Function Index
$#! · 0-9 · A · B · C · D · E · F · G · H · I · J · K · L · M · N · O · P · Q · R · S · T · U · V · W · X · Y · Z
Associates a game action (a key-bindable action) to clicking on this window.
Associates a a key-bindable action to clicking a button in this group.
Sets the icon for the specified button index
Sets the number of rows & columns in this ActionButtonGroup.
Sets the text for the specified button index
Sets the time abbreviations for the ActionButtonGroup.
Sets the time format to use for the ActionButtonGroup.
Sets the text for the specified button index
Associates a game action (a key-bindable action) to clicking on this window.
Sets the speed (fps) at which to play the animation.
Sets the texture displayed on this image.
Starts playing this animation according to the parameters.
Stops an active animation.
Broadcasts an event with the UI system’s assigned event processor.
Broadcasts an event with the UI system’s assigned event processor.
Returns if the button is currently behaving like a check button.
Returns if the button is currently set to disabled.
Sets if button should be highlighted.
Returns if button is currently pressed.
Returns if a button is currently set to ‘stay down’ when pressed.
Returns the text currently displayed on the button.
Returns the the current text dimensions.
Sets if the button should behave like a check button.
Sets if button is disabled.
Sets if button should be highlighted.
Sets if button should display it’s ‘pressed’ state.
Sets if button if the button should remained pressed when the user release the left mouse button.
Sets the text displayed on the button
Sets the text color used for a particular button state.
Sets the texture used for a particular button state.
Starts a scriped flash animation with the highlighted image.
Stops an active flash animation.
Sets the fill parameters for the circle image.
Rotates the image around it’s center.
Sets the texture displayed on this image.
Sets the textureScale value.
Sets the texture slice displayed on this image.
Creates a color
Creates a color
Clear all the colors from a color picker.
Creates a color
Retrieves a color based on a point clicked on the color picker.
Retrieves a color based on a point clicked on the color picker.
Retrieves the color size of a given color picker.
Retrieves the color spacing of a given color picker.
Retrieves a color based on a point clicked on the color picker.
Retrieves the color size of a given color picker.
Adds a new item to the menu list.
Clears out all items currently in the menu.
Lua-exposed function for the OpenMenu() wrapper, ExternalOpenMenu().
Returns if the ComboBox is currently disabled.
Returns the index of the current selected menu item
Returns the text of the current selected menu item
Returns if the ComboBox is currently open.
Sets if ComboBox is disabled.
Sets the current selected menu item
Alters the state of the cooldown animation.
Creates a NaturalDocs style output file that lists all registered functions and variables.
Creates a window from an XML definition.
Creates a window of the specified name from an XML definition.
Creates a window of the specified name from an XML definition.
Removes a window and all of it’s children from the current UI.
Returns the string name of the child window of the dockable window group
Returns the string name of the root window of the dockable window group
Returns the tab offset for the specified window.
Returns the string that is shown on the tab button for the dockable window.
Returns the string name of the top window of the dockable window group
Returns true if the window is a child of the root window
Sets if a dockable window’s tab should be shown (and drawn) on the screen.
Returns the string name of the child window of the dockable window group
Set’s the parent offset to use when the root window is deleted.
Set’s the Offset of the first tab from the left side of the window.
Sets if a dockable window’s tab should be shown (and drawn) on the screen.
Sets the text displayed on the button
Determines the existence of the specified window.
Returns if the image is currently displaying a valid texture.
Rotates the image arround it’s center.
Sets the texture displayed on this image.
Sets the explicit texture coordinates to be used for this image.
Sets the texture’s mirrored orientation for this dynamic image.
Sets the textureScale value.
Sets the slice to be displayed in this DynamicImage.
Returns the name of the font currently used.
Returns the input history for the EditBox.
Returns the text currently displayed.
Returns the current text color for the display.
Returns the text currently displayed.
Inserts text at the current cursor location.
Sets the font for the text display
Allows you to disable text from automatically being added to the EditBox display when a key is pressed.
Sets the input history for the edit box.
Sets the text currently displayed.
Sets the color for the text display.
Force anchor processing for all windows.
Returns if the UI is currently checking for circular dependencies.
Returns the data for the specified icon.
Returns if the Lua debug library will be loaded when reloading the UI
Returns the data for the specified map icon.
Returns the current screen resolution.
Returns a string from a string table with the substitution tags replaced by values in the params table.
Returns the specified string from a string table
Returns if lua-error handling is currently turned on.
Returns the line size.
Returns the maximum scroll position.
Returns the page size.
Returns the current scroll position
Sets the line size.
Sets the maximum scroll position
Sets the page size.
Sets the current scroll position
Returns the current scroll position offset.
Sets the current scroll position offset.
Updates the childscrollwindow and scrollbar to reflect it’s current contents.
This is a debugging function that renders the current text out to a texture.
Returns the name of the font currently used.
Returns the current hyper-link color for the display.
Returns the text currently displayed.
Returns the current text color for the display.
Returns the the current text dimensions.
Returns if word wrapping is enabled.
Sets the font for the text display
Sets the link color for the text display.
Sets the text currently displayed.
Sets text alignment.
Sets the color for the text display.
Turns on/off word wrapping
Returns the data-table index that is currently display on a particular row index.
Sets the data table to use to get the list data.
Sets the order in which the data list is displayed.
Sets the maximum number of rows that can be displayed on the screen at once.
Loads UI resources from an xml file.
Creates a new string table of the specified name from the data file.
Adds the specified TextLog to the LogDisplay
Returns the color currently used for the specified TextLog and Filter Type.
Returns if the specified Filter Type for the specified TextLog is currentlydisplayed.
Returns the the name of the Font for the text display.
Returns if the Filter Type name is currently displayed at the beginning of each entry.
Returns if the TextLog name is currently displayed at the beginning of each entry.
Return if the timestamps is currently displayed at the beginning of each entry.
Returns the current the amount of time the text is displayed before fading out.
Sets if a filter sub type should be shown.
Returns whether a Scrollbar is needed for this display.
Returns if the display is scrolled all the way to the bottom.
Returns if the display is scrolled all the way to the top.
Removes the specified TextLog to the LogDisplay
Resets the fade time for all of the text lines.
Scrolls the display all the way to the bottom.
Scrolls the display all the way to the top.
Sets the text color to use for the specified TextLog and Filter Type.
Sets the specified Filter Type for the specified TextLog should be displayed.
Sets the Font for the text display
Sets if the Filter Type name should be display at the beginning of each entry.
Sets if the TextLog name should be display at the beginning of each entry.
Sets if the timestamps should be display at the beginning of each entry.
Sets the amount of time the text should be displayed before fading out.
Sets if the scrollbar should be shown or hidden.
Sets the maximum number of entries to display in the LogDisplay.
Creates log files for all the functions & variables available to Lua.